Ethical Guidelines

The project was completed in 2013

Preparation of ethical perspectives for the development and implementation of health technology

20130117_etiske guidelinesThe relationship between citizens and health professionals are based on mutual dependence/obligation in terms of help and relief of suffering. 'Trusting people' is therefore a fundamental prerequisite when citizens and health professionals meet. However, the introduction of new technologies and tools within the Danish healthcare system is leading to new relationships between citizens and health professionals. There is, therefore, a need for increased awareness of the clinical meeting and the ability to maintain trust and responsibility between clinician and patient along with the technological development.


The Vision

In the project "Ethical Guidelines", Patiet@home tries to bridge the technological gap between home patients and cross-sector clinicians based on the ethics of the Health Act in terms of responsibility and help to the individual (§ 2). Through understanding and articulation of dilemmas and issues surrounding the future home patient, the project will produce a set of ethical guidelines for use in user-driven innovation processes concerning new health technologies.


Typefication of potential patients/users among elderly people with chronic diseases by means of personas will be carried out in order to articulate issues such as: Who is the future home patient? Who is capable of what? Which kind of solutions is required to ensure that everybody gets the help needed in the future?


Home patients require a great deal of cooperation across sectors within the health services. Consequently, the project also highlights a needs analysis and the fact that health professionals will have to take on more responsibility for patients in their own homes because of the introduction of new health technologies. In this part of the project, attention is especially directed at GPs, municipalities (home care, etc.), and clinicians at hospitals - and the impact of the new health technologies in terms of roles, responsibilities and mutual trust. This part of the project will include a research phase and will pick up on the use of existing telemedicine solutions through interviews with patients/citizens, health professionals in hospitals, practice staff, local health professionals, and other experts within the field of telemedicine.


In the research phase, user situations, user relationships and dilemmas that arise in the telemedicine meeting between patients and cross-sector clinics will be described and included as narrative plots in a workshop phase where different user groups will work on personas and use stories to describe their roles as home patients and cross-sector clinics, respectively.


The Result

The developed stories will form the basis of a script for an animated film about using dilemmas for the implementation of welfare-technological solutions. The purpose of the film is to create a horizon of expectations and a reflection space for future users about the challenges that arise when new technology meets the health care sector.


The created personas are meant to help product developers reflect on different user groups and different contexts, i.e. to support the design process of the development of welfare-technological products.

Contact PersonCaroline 

Caroline  Strudwick

Project Manager / Innovation Consultant

Region Syddanmark, Syddansk Sundhedsinnovation

Email:  LOADEMAIL[caroline.strudwick]DOMAIN[]


Region Syddanmark, Syddansk Sundhedsinnovation

Caroline  Strudwick

Email:  LOADEMAIL[caroline.strudwick]DOMAIN[]



Helle S.  Wentzer

