
The project was completed in 2015

Development of a Social Media Health Management System for people living with diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic and costly disease for the individual and for society. According to WHO, the costs of diabetes care will rise sharply in the coming years as a result of demographic and socio-economic development in many parts of the world. A steady increase in the number of diabetics and the cost of diabetes care is expected in Denmark as well. Efficient diabetes control can avoid a worsening of the disease and further complications associated with the disease. Ensuring the right balance of diet, physical activity, medication and blood glucose level requires knowledge, motivation and new tools.



DiabeticLink is a Social Media Health Management System that assists people with type-1 and type-2 diabetes by obtaining new knowledge and communicating with other diabetics. DiabeticLink will become a Danish version of the DiabeticLink System, which is currently being tested in the United States and Taiwan. The DiabeticLink System is being developed by the Artificial Intelligence Lab at the University of Arizona which researches the field of big data within the health sector, and data visualization for decision support and patient empowerment.

DiabeticLink covers three areas:


1. Patient support via a social media platform - peer-to-peer support, user blogs, and discussion forums.

2. Patient education - information on diseases, diabetes knowledge resources (treatment, medication, diet, everyday life, recipes) and the opportunity to see the connection between health goals, exercise and disease development.

3.Self-management - tools to track disease progression, knowledge about side effects and risk factors, online communication with health professionals.



This Patient@home project combines the latest knowledge on health behaviour, health communication, and patient education with big data computing and data visualization to develop an intelligent online tool. The tool will give individuals the opportunity to take responsibility for their own health and disease through interaction with other diabetics. The project will provide valuable knowledge within a Danish context on the use of mobile health, big data, social media, and online communities in the field of health.


Activity Goals

• Ethnographic user studies among Danish patients with diabetes (type-1 and type-2)

• A Danish specification of DiabeticLink

• Development of a beta version and design of a Danish user interface

• Testing and adjusting DiabeticLink

• Launch of the system and plan for continued operation in Denmark



Figure 1: Smart Health and DiabeticLink Research

Source: Artificial Intelligence Lab, http://ai.arizona.edu/research/healthcare/.

Contact PersonAna Maria 

Ana Maria  d'Auchamp

Innovation Consultant

Teknologisk Institut, Center for Idé og Vækst

Email:  LOADEMAIL[amap]DOMAIN[teknologisk.dk]


Teknologisk Institut, Center for Idé og Vækst

Ana Maria  d'Auchamp

Email:  LOADEMAIL[amap]DOMAIN[teknologisk.dk]

Web:   http://teknologisk.dk/ydelser/ideudvikling-og-innovation/ideudvikling-og-innovation/22709

Syddansk Universitet, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Instituttet

Uffe  Kock Wiil

Email:  LOADEMAIL[ukwiil]DOMAIN[mmmi.sdu.dk]

Web:   http://www.sdu.dk/Om_SDU/Institutter_centre/Mmmi_maersk_mckinney_moeller

University of Arizona, Artificial Intelligence Lab

Hsinchun  Chen

Email:  LOADEMAIL[cal]DOMAIN[eller.arizona.edu]

Web:   http://ai.arizona.edu

Dansk Diabetes Akademi - JDRF

Tore  Christiansen

Email:  LOADEMAIL[tore.christiansen]DOMAIN[rsyd.dk]

Web:   www.jdrf.dk/dansk-diabetes-akademi

Steno Center for Sundhedsfremme

Ingrid  Willaing

Email:  LOADEMAIL[iwtp]DOMAIN[steno.dk]

Web:   http://www.stenodiabetescenter.com/documents/promotion_page/document/Steno_health_promotion_center.asp

Pragmasoft A/S

Vibeke Descours  Hansen

Email:  LOADEMAIL[vibeke]DOMAIN[pragmasoft.dk]

Web:   www.pragmasoft.dk

Caduceus Intelligence Corporation

Lubaina  Maimoon

Email:  LOADEMAIL[lubainamaimoon]DOMAIN[gmail.com]

Web:   http://caduceusintel.com/